Remote Control

Win4IcomSuite comes with a full Client Server utility that allows remote operation of the radio over a network or the Internet.  It supports the complete range of third party applications that can be installed on the remote client and then used with Win4Icom using it’s built in Virtual Radios.

Both radio control, and sound are supported.  In addition, all necessary Input Output connectors and USB levels are provided with an easy to use interface.

In all cases a PC is necessary for the server but can have very low hardware requirements. In addition, for wireless control, a 5GHz, 802.1AC router is recommended.

It is possible to use the Ethernet and Wifi connections that the radio supports by purchasing and installing RS-BA1 from Icom.  You may then connect to the virtual port that the Icom Remote Utility provides with Win4Icom.  Note:  There is NO support in getting the RS-BA1 software working.  This must be done through Icom’s technical support since it is not a product of Win4IcomSuite.

There is really no choice here since the ethernet and WiFi protocols are encrypted and undocumented.